Introducing the Mummy Llama

Introducing the Mummy Llama

If mummies are scary and Jolly Llama Sorbet and Cream Pops are scary delicious, what happens when you combine the two? A fun, delicious Halloween craft that dresses your favorite Llama for the party, for fun, or simply a treat the kids will love: Mummy Llamas!

Time to put your crafty, DIY hats on and come up with a festive way to get into the “spirit” of this spooky season. Not only is this craft tasty, but it’s easy, quick, and fun for everyone! And if you’re the crafting type, you probably even already have all the supplies in your craft drawer and freezer. It’s a win-win!

All you need is a box of your favorite Jolly Llama Sorbet Cream Pops, a roll of gauze, some plastic googly eyes, and possibly some type of adhesive (glue or tape).

  1. First off, you’ll need a box (or five) of you favorite Jolly Llama flavors to start. We used raspberry but mango also has a nice orange/yellow color that keeps things nice and seasonal. No matter what you chose, the first step is opening the box and removing a frozen sorbet pop:


  1. For step two, unroll your gauze and wrap it around the Cream or Sorbet pop. Most gauze is self-adhering so once you wrap the first layer tight and begin wrapping layers, it should secure pretty easily.

  1. Once you’ve got your pop all wrapped up, leave a 6” section of gauze unwrapped (see below). Grab your googly eyes and secure the eyeballs with glue or tape, and adhere to the top of the pop.

  1. Using that extra 6” of gauze, finish wrapping the top of the pop with the gauze partially covering the eyeballs. As you pull it tight, the last of the gauze doesn’t need to be secured with tape/glue as it should stick to the rest of the layering gauze well on its own.

  1. And done! Like a zombie on the hunt for brains, your Mummy Llama is ready to be slurped! Have fun!

Class party, Halloween bash party favor, or even as a simple after school snack, we’re confident you’ll have a jolly good time making AND eating them!

Find your nearest Jolly Llama carrying grocer with our location finder!  And may your Halloween be the jolliest yet!

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