14 Jan Tips for Getting Organized following the Holidays
The excitement from the holidays has to peak at some point. And when it does, many people might find themselves with feelings of stress, hopelessness, and anxiety as they look around their house. Not exactly a great way to start off the new year. Right?
If you’re wanting to avoid these negative overwhelming feelings and start afresh, we’re here to enlighten you. It’s time to get your life (and your house) back in order!
Science Proves People are Healthier When They’re Organized
Several studies have been conducted that show the strong correlations between a clean and organized house, and enhanced feelings of self-worth. Some studies even suggest that being physically fit is linked to those with clean homes.
One study conducted by research scientist and professor at Indiana University, found that people with clean houses were healthier than people with messy houses.
Another study conducted in 2010 showed that women who described their homes as “cluttered” were more likely to experience higher levels of stress and feel more depressed and tired than other women.
In addition, another study conducted at Princeton University found that people living in a cluttered environment struggled with concentrating on certain tasks when compared to other people in a clean environment.
Tips to Tackling Your Crib
Are you convinced yet? Who’s ready to get organized? Follow these simple tips on getting your home back in order:
Take out the trash
First and foremost, get rid of all that wrapping paper, tissue paper, ribbon, and cardboard boxes that all your gifts came in. Unwrap all the gifts that you’ll be keeping and immediately discard the containers they came in. Walk through the entire house collecting any scraps of rubbish you find throughout it.
Clean the Kitchen
We all know that the kitchen is one of the first places to get messy–what with all the parties and gatherings you’ve had in the last couple weeks. Discard any unwanted sweets to avoid temptations and the potential extra weight gain, then properly store leftovers. Follow these guidelines from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to preserve your food the best way.
Holiday Decorations
Remove holiday decorations and store them in a box or container. Remember to label everything well in order to easily locate it the following year. Follow these tips for decluttering holiday decor by clicking here.
Make room for all your new stuff by removing any old, unwanted, and unnecessary items. This is a great time to recycle old toys, or rotate old toys while the kids’ excitement is still fixated on new toys received from Christmas.
Any gifts you would consider regifting should be stored away as well and properly labeled. Items you received as gag gifts of white elephant gifts can be donated, sold, or thrown away. Anything else remaining should be considered for donations or selling on a classifieds page.
Store any gifts you plan to keep immediately by placing them where they belong–whether that’s in the kitchen, in the kids’ rooms, on the bookshelf, or in the garage. If you received a sentimental gift, properly store it or take a picture of it to remember it.
Things to Remember
Getting organized may seem like a daunting task to many. It’s important that you not overwhelm yourself by attempting to tackle everything at once (unless you’re a real go-getter and have the time). Try setting a timer each day and doing as much as you can during that time.
Some other key things to keep in mind when getting organized are:
- Do I love this item?
- How much does this item mean to me?
- How easy is it for me to access this item?
Before you know it, you’ll be feeling a sense of accomplishment, and peace–otherwise known as the “Jolly Way.” Speaking of which– dont forget to reward yourself with a delicious and refreshing low-calorie snack when you’re finished. Our Jolly Llama Sorbet and Cream Pops are sure to hit the spot, and keep you in line with your goals for the new year. Find some today by viewing out list of local grocery carriers.
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