Llama Llama Blogorama

For many of us, things have really slowed down over the last two months: No more racing to and from the grocery store every other day… No more cluttered calendars full of soccer games and dance recitals,,.  No more eating out with friends for lunch,......

At Jolly Llama, we know food ingredients are important. We care about what we eat, and we know you do, too. Loads of research backs up the facts that healthy foods not only benefit us physically, but mentally as well.  Nowadays there seems to be......

If you’re like millions of other moms out there making new year’s resolutions, you may have a goal to get more organized in 2020. The chaos from the holidays is winding down, the kids are in school, and it’s too cold outside to do anything......

It’s the most magical time of the year, and what’s more magical than crafting during the holidays?  Whether you’re helping out at your child’s class party, keeping little hands occupied during Christmas Break, or being festive with your family, these Christmas crafts are for everyone!......

One of the most challenging aspects of parenthood is seeing your child hurt emotionally. We’ve all been there– your child was bullied online, your daughter’s “best friends” decided they didn’t want to be friends with her anymore, your son was left out at the lunch......

You’ve just finished a delicious homemade meal. It’s one that was packed full of key vitamins and nutrients you know are good for you. It was balanced with low-fat proteins, fresh sauteed vegetables from your garden, and had a myriad of bright colors. It was…perfect.......

It’s something that’s understood universally. It’s something that everybody desires, but something you can never have too much of. And it’s something everyone is entitled to. Love. What is love exactly?  Love is simple. Love is kind. Love is understanding. Love is patient.  Love is......

It’s officially September which means two things are certain: 1- Fall is just around the corner! (Hooray for a break from the sweltering heat!) 2- The new school year has begun. Whether you’re a parent who loves having their kids at home, or you’re the......

For many, summer has ended and school has already begun. While some may relish in the break that school provides, many find it more stressful as they adapt to new changes– new schedules, new curfews, new carpools… The foresight of homework and late night school......

If there’s one thing Jolly Llama is good at besides making the best frozen treats around, it’s knowing how to have a good time. (We’re not called “Jolly” for nothing!) Fortunately, August is here…aka Family Fun Month. And no, we’re not talking about having fun......

National Ice Cream Day is July 21, and we’re excited to celebrate this special day with you. But what’s even more awesome than celebrating one day? How about celebrating for 31 days? Yep, all month long you can indulge in your favorite refreshing treats because......

National Ice Cream Day is July 21, and we’re excited to celebrate this special day with you. But what’s even more awesome than celebrating one day? How about celebrating for 31 days? Yep, all month long you can indulge in your favorite refreshing treats because......

We’re excited to now be offering not only the finest in fruit Sorbet Pops, but also the finest in Cream Bars! Jolly Llama has risen to the challenge of developing a delectable, creamy, frozen treat that even our dairy-free friends can enjoy! We’ll be introducing......

We’re excited to now be offering not only the finest in fruit Sorbet Pops, but also the finest in Cream Bars! Jolly Llama has risen to the challenge of developing a delectable, creamy, frozen treat that even our dairy-free friends can enjoy! We’ll be introducing......

Freezing food is an effective way to enjoy non-seasonal foods year round, and preserve food for an extended period of time. People have been freezing food for decades. While early trappers, fishermen, and farmers didn’t have the methods that we do today, they were still......

At Jolly Llama, we delight in all things that bring balance, peace, love, and clean treating joy. That doesn’t necessarily mean finding the secret to full-time enlightenment. For many of us, it can be as simple as staying put– surrounded by a clean and organized......

St. Patrick’s Day is next week, and we all know the color green isn’t the most important takeaway from this festive holiday. (Unless getting pinched marks the end of your world…). We know that everyone wants a piece of what that leprechaun is hiding at......

Unless you, or a family member, suffers from celiac disease, you probably don’t know much about it. What is gluten anyway? Why does it seem like so many people are avoiding it? Is it bad for me? How do I know if I am gluten-intolerant?......

Last week on Valentine’s Day, everyone celebrated their love with overwhelming amounts of candy, flowers, and being bombarded by hearts everywhere. But let’s talk about something similar, only more important: Heart Health This month is actually National Heart Month–a great time to get serious and......

What do you get when you mix romance, flowers, chocolate, and cards? Well according to research, about $19.6 billion in revenue for companies during the Valentine’s season.   From roses, jewelry, candy, and dining out, Valentine’s Day has grown into a pretty big deal. But......

Sometimes there’s nothing that hits the spot on a cold wintry day quite like a nice bowl of warm soup. Not just any soup will suffice– you can’t just pop open a can of Progresso or warm up a bag of Ramen noodles and get......

Feeling irritable, bored, or restless lately? You may have Cabin Fever. Cabin fever is a term  people use to describe their claustrophobia from remaining indoors or being confined to a certain space for a length of time. It can often occur during the winter months......

Here at Jolly Llama, we love having fun and feeling jolly. (Duh…that’s why it’s in our name). But we know it’s not always easy to be jolly– especially if you have to work. Work is….well, work. Unless you’re one of the lucky few who landed......

The excitement from the holidays has to peak at some point. And when it does, many people might find themselves with feelings of stress, hopelessness, and anxiety as they look around their house. Not exactly a great way to start off the new year. Right?......

It’s no secret that the end of the year is an exciting time. For many it’s an exciting new, fresh start as you embark on a new year. So before you break out the confetti and party poppers tonight, let’s help you start the new......

Want to really be on Santa’s “Good List” this year? Then you need to leave him a show-stopping, mouthwatering treat to fill that big belly of his. Not just any treat will do. You want something that is unique, gratifying, and something he’ll be wanting......

IT’S CELEBRATION TIME! National Gluten-Free Bake Week is officially here and we’re ready to help you kick it off right! We know some of you may be thinking “Cooking gluten-free food is nothing to celebrate.” Or maybe you think it’s too time consuming.  Or perhaps......

It’s a jolly time of year for many people, but let’s be real–not everyone feels this way all the time. The days are shorter, the days are darker, and they’re most definitely colder. You may be feeling a bit…blue. Winter Blues, otherwise known as “seasonal......

‘Tis the season for shopping, caroling, spending time with loved ones, sleigh rides, and of course–baking! The sweet aroma that permeates the house from yummy baked goods during the holidays is like no other. It not only makes the whole house smell divine, but it......

Thanksgiving isn’t all about the food, the displays, or holiday decorations. Thanksgiving is a special time to give thanks (hence its name…) and show your gratitude for the things you have been blessed with in life. It can be easy to forget the significance of......

The holidays are officially upon us! It’s both an exciting time, and a stressful time for many people. And often when people are stressed, they can be ignorant, discourteous, and impolite. Basically they’re unkind– which is ironic considering it’s during a time when the holidays......

Congratulations! You did it. You made it. You survived all the Halloween chaos–volunteering at school class parties, late night trick-or-treating, the sugar-induced comas, the last minute-runs for costumes, and decorating your house with all those pumpkins. Now…what to do with all those pumpkins… A pumpkin’s......

Kit Kats, Snickers, and Nerds..OH MY! You’ve spent most of your time as a parent keeping the sugars to a minimum. Now, on just one night, your kids are bombarded with massive amounts of sweets and treats that could induce anyone of any age into......

If mummies are scary and Jolly Llama Sorbet and Cream Pops are scary delicious, what happens when you combine the two? A fun, delicious Halloween craft that dresses your favorite Llama for the party, for fun, or simply a treat the kids will love: Mummy......

The American Heart Association recommends that children between 2-18 should eat fewer than 25 grams of added sugar each day. For the most part, that can be relatively easy for us as parents to control. However, with Halloween right around the corner, that can be......

Who doesn’t love to party!? With Halloween coming up, there’s no better time to start planning one. The costumes, the food, the decorations! It makes us jolly just thinking about it! But how do you throw a fun party without blowing up the budget? Let......

GMO’s.. You hear about them on a daily basis. But what are they? And why do they matter? According to the Center For Food Safety, it’s estimated that around 75% of processed foods in the U.S. contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). That’s a pretty big......

Ahhhh…the mango. Is there anything that doesn’t taste good with it? When it’s time to savor something tropical and delicious, the main ingredient inevitably comes back to: the mango. No surprise- People all over the world are fans of this sweet fruit. Mangos originated from......

One thing we pride ourselves on here at Jolly Llama is the fact that our sorbet cream pops are made with real fruit puree. We want you to taste nature’s candy, not some artificial flavors developed in a laboratory. Is there really a difference? Yes!......

Summer’s here, and you might be thinking, “When does school start back up again?” Or maybe you just need a little something sweet to calm you down. Everybody likes a treat now and then, but not everybody loves all the extras that come with a......

Food labels are an important way for us to understand what we’re putting into our bodies. And while it seems like a lot of people are obsessed with the calories, carbohydrates, or fat on a nutrition label, we should actually be focusing more on the......

We get it. Finding good snacks that are dairy-free can be hard. You want to enjoy the same mouthwatering treats that everyone else does, without breaking out into an ugly allergic reaction. Are we right? Finding dairy-free options doesn’t have to be a chore. In......

Just because you‘re health conscious, doesn’t mean you and the kids can’t enjoy a sweet treat every once in a while. (Chances are, you deserve it!) When those sugar cravings kick in, reach for one of these healthier alternatives instead of that bag of marshmallows.......

Food allergies are a natural part of life. And they can be a total PAIN to deal with if you are new to it. But let’s be honest– dealing with the allergic reactions (such as hives or abdominal discomfort) is a much BIGGER pain. Food......

Life doesn’t always go as planned. When you were young, you probably had this idealistic fantasy of how you expected/hoped your future would look. You may have looked at other parents and thought, “I will NOT do that with my kids…” only to have children......